Over the course of millions of years, helped along by a dino-killing asteroid, geologic pockmarks known as cenotes and blue ...
A deep blue hole in the ocean in Mexico is the deepest known sinkhole in the world - and scientists haven't even been able to ...
Recently published in Frontiers in Marine Science, a study unveils the staggering dimensions of the Taam Ja' Blue Hole, ...
Over the course of millions of years, helped along by a dino-killing asteroid, geologic pockmarks known as cenotes and blue holes fill the Yucatan peninsula, providing an oasis for animal life.
The Taam Ja' Blue Hole (TJBH), which is located in Mexico, is at least 1,380 feet (420 metres) below sea level.
Blue holes are biodiversity hotspots enabling marine biology research, conservation, and ocean health assessment.
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According to 9Newscom, scientists re-measured "Taam Ja", which they announced last year as the second deepest blue hole in the world. Accordingly, a difference of at least 146 meters was found between ...
A recent study published in Frontiers in Marine Science details the immense size of the Taam Ja' Blue Hole, located in Mexico ...
An Underwater image showing the world’s deepest blue hole in the world. (Image credit: Alcérreca-Huerta et al/Frontiers in ...
A bottomless pit? For now, it appears that way. A team of oceanographers from several Mexican institutions say the Taam Ja' Blue Hole (TJBH) is the deepest in the world. It's located in Chetumal ...
Only 5% of our oceans have been explored, so clearly there's a lot we don't know about what goes on in the deep. Sometimes discoveries are made that are later found to be entirely wrong.